2007-12-12 16:11:37 UTC
Well, it's the silly season. My local paper just ran a full-page ad
for the HEAT SURGE Roll-n-Glow Fireplace. It is an electric heater
disguised as a fireplace ("fireless flame") and sold wrapped in a
"real Amish fireplace mantel". Wow!
"The HEAT SURGE miracle heater is a work of engineering genius from
the China coast so advanced, you simply plug it into any standard wall
outlet". They don't say where on the coast. Maybe it's near the Canton
in China (Guangzhou)? The upper right corner of the ad says it comes
from Heat Surge LLC located in the other town named Canton, in Ohio.
(Canton, Ohio is also where the heavily advertised EdenPURE heater is
sold from, although it also is made in China).
You can see the color version (Wilmington, NC Star) at:
Or, look at the website at: http://www.heatsurge.com
What a pile of horsecrap! These clowns should be horsewhipped, since
they are probably going to make a pile of money by swindling the
gullible and elderly.
"It uses less energy than it takes to run a coffee maker. Yet it
produces an amazing 5,119 BTU's."
Well, guess what? 5119 BTU/hr converts to exactly 1499 watts, and it
always will.
That's right folks, it's just another lousy little 1500 watt portable
electric heater with a fan, like you can buy anywhere for $25. They
will sell it to you for only $298 (or for $249 each if you buy a pair
of them)! No wonder they can afford to give you for free a gen-u-ine
oak or cherry Amish mantle.
The HEAT SURGE just is another example of the "boom box" or (for old-
timers) "console radio" marketing fallacy that a bigger cabinet and a
higher price OBVIOUSLY means that you are getting a better product.
Pittsburgh Pete
We do not believe what we write, and neither should you. Information
furnished to you is for topical (external) use only. This information
may not be worth any more than either a groundhog turd, or what you
paid for it (nothing). The author may not even have been either sane
or sober when he wrote it down. Do not worry, be happy.
for the HEAT SURGE Roll-n-Glow Fireplace. It is an electric heater
disguised as a fireplace ("fireless flame") and sold wrapped in a
"real Amish fireplace mantel". Wow!
"The HEAT SURGE miracle heater is a work of engineering genius from
the China coast so advanced, you simply plug it into any standard wall
outlet". They don't say where on the coast. Maybe it's near the Canton
in China (Guangzhou)? The upper right corner of the ad says it comes
from Heat Surge LLC located in the other town named Canton, in Ohio.
(Canton, Ohio is also where the heavily advertised EdenPURE heater is
sold from, although it also is made in China).
You can see the color version (Wilmington, NC Star) at:
Or, look at the website at: http://www.heatsurge.com
What a pile of horsecrap! These clowns should be horsewhipped, since
they are probably going to make a pile of money by swindling the
gullible and elderly.
"It uses less energy than it takes to run a coffee maker. Yet it
produces an amazing 5,119 BTU's."
Well, guess what? 5119 BTU/hr converts to exactly 1499 watts, and it
always will.
That's right folks, it's just another lousy little 1500 watt portable
electric heater with a fan, like you can buy anywhere for $25. They
will sell it to you for only $298 (or for $249 each if you buy a pair
of them)! No wonder they can afford to give you for free a gen-u-ine
oak or cherry Amish mantle.
The HEAT SURGE just is another example of the "boom box" or (for old-
timers) "console radio" marketing fallacy that a bigger cabinet and a
higher price OBVIOUSLY means that you are getting a better product.
Pittsburgh Pete
We do not believe what we write, and neither should you. Information
furnished to you is for topical (external) use only. This information
may not be worth any more than either a groundhog turd, or what you
paid for it (nothing). The author may not even have been either sane
or sober when he wrote it down. Do not worry, be happy.