Installing a propane gas log set in a fireplace.
(too old to reply)
2007-01-08 15:01:17 UTC
I want to install a set of propane gas logs in my fireplace. What is
the best way to run the propane line to the outside. The
house/fireplace was built aboaut 30 yrs ago. The outside of the chimney
appears to be stucco over block. The fireplace has a heatalator built
into it. Do I drill a hole thru the back of the fireplace (thru the
heatalator and the block) to the outside? Most other I've seen in new
houses are going down thru the bottom of the fireplace, but the bottom
of my fireplace appears to be outside over the footers for the

Thanks for any help.
Ron G.
2007-01-08 17:46:12 UTC
I used the clean out. I would try to avoid making holes in the
heatalator as it is intended to separate the combustion from the heated
air. Without actally seeing you set up it will be hard for anyone to
make recomendations. I gather you do not think you can get under it at
Post by KingRon
I want to install a set of propane gas logs in my fireplace. What is
the best way to run the propane line to the outside. The
house/fireplace was built aboaut 30 yrs ago. The outside of the chimney
appears to be stucco over block. The fireplace has a heatalator built
into it. Do I drill a hole thru the back of the fireplace (thru the
heatalator and the block) to the outside? Most other I've seen in new
houses are going down thru the bottom of the fireplace, but the bottom
of my fireplace appears to be outside over the footers for the
Thanks for any help.
Ron G.
2007-01-08 18:10:15 UTC
Post by jamesgangnc
I used the clean out. I would try to avoid making holes in the
heatalator as it is intended to separate the combustion from the heated
air. Without actally seeing you set up it will be hard for anyone to
make recomendations. I gather you do not think you can get under it at
Yes, I don't think that I can get under the firebox at all.
I will look at using the cleanout, which is in the basement. Although
that will make for a longer run of pipe/tubing to get outside where I
plan on placing the tank.

Thanks for all of your help.
2007-01-08 18:37:48 UTC
I'd definately go with the cleanout. A longer pipe run is ok. It's
real fun getting the pipe started in the elbow inside the clean out.
You'll need a helper.
Post by KingRon
Post by jamesgangnc
I used the clean out. I would try to avoid making holes in the
heatalator as it is intended to separate the combustion from the heated
air. Without actally seeing you set up it will be hard for anyone to
make recomendations. I gather you do not think you can get under it at
Yes, I don't think that I can get under the firebox at all.
I will look at using the cleanout, which is in the basement. Although
that will make for a longer run of pipe/tubing to get outside where I
plan on placing the tank.
Thanks for all of your help.
2007-01-09 04:36:50 UTC
Post by KingRon
I want to install a set of propane gas logs in my fireplace. What is
the best way to run the propane line to the outside. The
house/fireplace was built aboaut 30 yrs ago. The outside of the chimney
appears to be stucco over block. The fireplace has a heatalator built
into it. Do I drill a hole thru the back of the fireplace (thru the
heatalator and the block) to the outside? Most other I've seen in new
houses are going down thru the bottom of the fireplace, but the bottom
of my fireplace appears to be outside over the footers for the
Thanks for any help.
Ron G.
Just run flexible copper pipe up the chimney and down the outside.
2007-01-22 22:04:05 UTC
Post by Oscar_Lives
Post by KingRon
I want to install a set of propane gas logs in my fireplace. What is
the best way to run the propane line to the outside. The
house/fireplace was built aboaut 30 yrs ago. The outside of the chimney
appears to be stucco over block. The fireplace has a heatalator built
into it. Do I drill a hole thru the back of the fireplace (thru the
heatalator and the block) to the outside? Most other I've seen in new
houses are going down thru the bottom of the fireplace, but the bottom
of my fireplace appears to be outside over the footers for the
Thanks for any help.
Ron G.
Just run flexible copper pipe up the chimney and down the outside.
Yeah that would look professional -- though maybe in the trailer
park you live in, the shine of copper would count as an aesthetic
improvement over the tin roof and corrugated siding...
2007-01-22 22:37:40 UTC
Post by blueman
though maybe in the trailer
park you live in, the shine of copper would count as an aesthetic
improvement over the tin roof and corrugated siding...
Blueman, you got shafted by an HVAC guy...you're not the first, you won't
be the last...get over it and move on....let the anger go....breathe
deep....that's it....we feel your pain.......or is that your wallet???....
Respectfully, Bob
2007-01-23 02:02:33 UTC
Bob_Loblaw posted for all of us...
Post by Bob_Loblaw
Post by blueman
though maybe in the trailer
park you live in, the shine of copper would count as an aesthetic
improvement over the tin roof and corrugated siding...
Blueman, you got shafted by an HVAC guy...you're not the first, you won't
be the last...get over it and move on....let the anger go....breathe
deep....that's it....we feel your pain.......or is that your wallet???....
The only pain he feels is being digitally probed by the other members of his
group home. The meds help though.
Tekkie Don't bother to thank me, I do this as a public service.
2007-01-24 19:56:15 UTC
Post by Bob_Loblaw
Post by blueman
though maybe in the trailer
park you live in, the shine of copper would count as an aesthetic
improvement over the tin roof and corrugated siding...
Blueman, you got shafted by an HVAC guy...you're not the first, you won't
be the last...get over it and move on....let the anger go....breathe
deep....that's it....we feel your pain.......or is that your wallet???....
Respectfully, Bob
If you can't take it then don't dish it out. I am only responding in
kind to those who didn't have the decency to either respond
appropriately or ignore my initial post.
2007-01-24 20:44:08 UTC
Post by blueman
I am only responding in
kind to those who didn't have the decency to either respond
appropriately or ignore my initial post.
You've been told numerous times that this forum is for techs to talk
amongst themselves, not to dispense free information to homeowners who
want to save some coin.
Get free advice (for what it's worth)at alt.homerepair
Respectfully, Bob
2007-01-25 06:33:49 UTC
Post by Bob_Loblaw
Post by blueman
I am only responding in
kind to those who didn't have the decency to either respond
appropriately or ignore my initial post.
You've been told numerous times that this forum is for techs to talk
amongst themselves, not to dispense free information to homeowners who
want to save some coin.
Get free advice (for what it's worth)at alt.homerepair
Respectfully, Bob
and you have been reminded numerous times that this is a public (i.e.,
non-moderated) Newsgroup open to anybody. If you want your own private
club, stop being so damn cheap and pay to get your own forum.

No one is forcing you to answer homeowner questions. Feel free to
ignore or kill-file anyone you want...

However, since you so-called pros decided to respond to an innocent
question with foul language and insults, I will do the opposite of
what you want and continue to hang out and pee in your sandbox along
with you and your monkey friends.
2007-01-25 16:38:06 UTC
Post by blueman
and you have been reminded numerous times that this is a public (i.e.,
non-moderated) Newsgroup open to anybody. If you want your own private
club, stop being so damn cheap and pay to get your own forum.
No one is forcing you to answer homeowner questions. Feel free to
ignore or kill-file anyone you want...
However, since you so-called pros decided to respond to an innocent
question with foul language and insults, I will do the opposite of
what you want and continue to hang out and pee in your sandbox along
with you and your monkey friends.
I guess you told us!
Now that you have, all of us in here will change our ways to accomodate
your views of how we should respond to homeowners.
We're so glad you came to our rescue!
I'm not sure we can ever repay you!
How about some more life-altering advice?
Maybe something like "smoking is bad for you".
Respectfully, Bob
2007-01-26 07:02:18 UTC
Post by Bob_Loblaw
Post by blueman
and you have been reminded numerous times that this is a public (i.e.,
non-moderated) Newsgroup open to anybody. If you want your own private
club, stop being so damn cheap and pay to get your own forum.
No one is forcing you to answer homeowner questions. Feel free to
ignore or kill-file anyone you want...
However, since you so-called pros decided to respond to an innocent
question with foul language and insults, I will do the opposite of
what you want and continue to hang out and pee in your sandbox along
with you and your monkey friends.
I guess you told us!
Now that you have, all of us in here will change our ways to accomodate
your views of how we should respond to homeowners.
We're so glad you came to our rescue!
I'm not sure we can ever repay you!
How about some more life-altering advice?
Maybe something like "smoking is bad for you".
Respectfully, Bob
Well you can do what you want -- just was reminding you that this is a
public forum and you can bitch all you want... (which you seem to be
better at than hvac repair)
2007-01-25 23:51:07 UTC
Post by blueman
Post by Bob_Loblaw
Post by blueman
I am only responding in
kind to those who didn't have the decency to either respond
appropriately or ignore my initial post.
You've been told numerous times that this forum is for techs to talk
amongst themselves, not to dispense free information to homeowners who
want to save some coin.
Get free advice (for what it's worth)at alt.homerepair
Respectfully, Bob
and you have been reminded numerous times that this is a public (i.e.,
non-moderated) Newsgroup open to anybody. If you want your own private
club, stop being so damn cheap and pay to get your own forum.
No one is forcing you to answer homeowner questions. Feel free to
ignore or kill-file anyone you want...
However, since you so-called pros decided to respond to an innocent
question with foul language and insults, I will do the opposite of
what you want and continue to hang out and pee in your sandbox along
with you and your monkey friends.
John (Big John) Horton
2017-12-21 18:14:01 UTC
replying to Bob_Loblaw, John (Big John) Horton wrote:
What a dickhead. Regardless of my extensive knowledge on my profession, you
are rude as hell to say something like “ give free advice to save some
coin”. Maybe, just maybe you could possibly prevent a chimney fire or
injury. Personally plumbers and electricians are way overpaid, and normally
rude assholes like yourself. It doesnt take a nuclear scientist ( That’s 2
syllables btw not three) to run plumbing or electrical. Problem is, people
need the professional help to pass code, and you guys know this, so the cash
register bell continues to ring.
As a proud Texan and American, I’ll say it’s jerkwads like you that are
ruining this country. ( Me me me and screw everyone else)
Anyway, have a great day and pull up your Depends, no one wants to see the
crack of what is apparently the wisest part of your miserable existence.
You ladies can Carry On.....

for full context, visit https://www.homeownershub.com/hvac/installing-a-propane-gas-log-set-in-a-fireplace-11016-.htm
2018-09-10 16:14:02 UTC
replying to John (Big John) Horton, Rusty wrote:
I agree, im just reading and see this is a bunch of assholes.

for full context, visit https://www.homeownershub.com/hvac/installing-a-propane-gas-log-set-in-a-fireplace-11016-.htm
Jenny Fowler
2021-10-30 22:31:24 UTC
No did not checking with any of them will find either them company and how much will it cost
For full context, visit https://www.homeownershub.com/hvac/installing-a-propane-gas-log-set-in-a-fireplace-11016-.htm
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