Post by Bubba >Post by ftwhdPost by Bubba >Post by ftwhdPost by Bubba >Post by JohnNever mind everyone....
I found the damn codes! Since it was a replacement board, the tech who put
it in put the code explanation on the outside of the furnace, out of view.
The steady on LED, which we have, indicates normal operation.
Nope, sorry John.
That model board had an error in the flash code sticker.
A constant on LED means : Replace the board
Bubba I think your probably a pretty good guy irl but I dont
understand why you have to be such a prick on the net and post this
kind of bogus bullshit.
I guess it comes from the frustration of kissing ass all day long
trying to put dinner on the table or something.
Why do you really even care?
Its internet or www or newsgroup or usernet or whatever you want to
call it. Anyone that takes free advice in here from someone they dont
know is just not too bright.
Call it entertainment or call it whatever you want.
1) Post the answer you like
2) Post your dissatisfaction and vulgar language
3) Take medication to keep you from worrying about such silly shit
4) Get the fuck outta here and find somewhere else to play
(But I mean no disrespect to you) :-)
Ill take your reply to mean you are blowing off steam to make up for
kissing ass all day to put food on the table.
Hang in there Bubba, theresa only a few more Bush years to go..
Merry Christmas bro.
Nah, Actually Ive taken a week off. Why? Because its Christmas and I
can. Thats what happens when you own the company. You can do that
whenever you want, right Mike?
Absolutely. When you own a company you have all the time in the world
at your disposal. I think Ill buy a company so I can sit on my ass
and talk smack to strangers all day on the internet like you.
Post by Bubba >Oh, Ive actually just signed a $315,000
home to be built in Fla with all that money that you think I dont
have. Funny thing is, that area keeps appreciating at about 38% per
Thats cool. The property appreciation will help with the rebuilding
costs from the next hurricane that blows through.
Post by Bubba >Already have a lease agreement for 3 yrs on it.That would be
money that the tennant is paying me. Happens to be the actual builder
of the home. They also pay the taxes on the home, cut and water the
grass, fix shit that breaks, etc. etc. Oh yeah, if they sell 6 homes a
month from our model they pay us double the lease payment. The deal is
so sweet, Im looking for another. Meanwhile I'll keep looking for some
money so I can put food on the table cause Im getting hungry. If this
is how bad Bush is........I guess I'll just have to tough it out.
"Aint America great?"
Something tells me that you arent going to get what you asked for for
There is no better place to build for great returns then a area prone
to natural disasters.
Damn I wish I had your business sense. If I did then I could kiss
some residential ass and open up a trailer park in some place like
Oklahoma and get rich too.
Hot damn Bubba your a smart guy! My hat is off to you!
And they say HVAC guys are dumb. LOL thanks for showing the world
just how wrong that assumption really is.