Amazon has two venders carrying it. Both have free shipping, one is
$24.99 the other $20.95.
Get on line and check the meters it is compatible with, there are
several they say it won't work with.
Meter compatibility:
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My meter has a little transparent pip on the inside of the meter at
the top pointing to the sky, my wife's house has one pointing front,
right hand, lower. Both work. Both electronic (no wheel)
Be a lot better if they published the model number of the meters it
works with.
Cute design - you press the reset button on the meter adapter and it
searches for a wheel and uses a retro-reflector type of IR sensor
(beams light on the wheel and looks for a change in brightness),
failing that it looks for a pulse of IR light (which is used by the
electronic meters for calibration). The sensor (and sensor arm) are
physically configurable to read either type of meter.
It reads kilowatts with 100 watt resolution. You can program it to
read in dollars and will also adapt to time of day usage and different
billing tiers (up to three) levels.
It can be "tared" - to read power in dollars or watts from the moment
you press "tare" to the moment you clear tare.
The radio link is reasonably good. There's one outside wall and two
inside walls to mine and it can loose "sync" if I move it ten feet
away but works to 40 feet (inside unit goes to sleep when it looses
That's a hassle, because of the way it works. You press "reset" on
the outside unit while the inside unit is waiting for "I.D." (so
multiple units won't cross talk or interfere on something like a multi
-family dwelling - each meter transmitter has it's own ID code).
Now that I know where it works, there's no problem, but it took some
doing, and I lost 30 KWH from the meter reading when it lost sync.
Fresh batteries do make a difference.... I may spring for something
better for the outside unit (like rechargeable lithium - if it will