2018-08-08 13:14:02 UTC
I have a new side draft swamp cooler that blows a very fine black substance,
almost like a powder, that makes me think the belt is somehow involved. It
isn't mold....the pads aren't black, the water is clean and clear and there is
no musty smell. There's no burning or hot smell either. I started using
filters to catch the black stuff and I have to replace them every 4-5 days as
they become completely black. What could be causing this?
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almost like a powder, that makes me think the belt is somehow involved. It
isn't mold....the pads aren't black, the water is clean and clear and there is
no musty smell. There's no burning or hot smell either. I started using
filters to catch the black stuff and I have to replace them every 4-5 days as
they become completely black. What could be causing this?
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