The picture won't post on this group. Need to find a group
that includes the words "binaries" and "pictures".
Regardless, most of us know what a jug of R-22 costs. I'm in
Rochester, NY area. Have a maybe of being in Ohio this
winter. Visit some friends in NW corner of Ohio.
You're right that R12 went from $60 a tank when I was a kid,
and went into several hundred, if you could find it at all.
Of course, it was phased out by R134a, and so R-12 isn't
much used any more. I do work on R-12 equipment on a regular
basis, and I have been using R409a. Some fellows like Steve,
are cutting edge, high tech fellows. Gone to the new Puron
already. I havn't yet worked with Puron, but will some day
for sure.
I'm expecting R-22 to go up, of course. An elderly friend of
mine is not doing the work any more, taking care of his wife
who's disabled. He offered me his old jugs of R-22, and I
bought them. He had some R-12, but not sure I'd ever use
that. I should go back and ask about it, sometime.
Selling cash and carry is different than at the parts house.
No reciept to take off taxes. So, a sealed tank is worth
something, but not enough to buy your teenager's braces, for
Christopher A. Young
Learn more about Jesus
"Dale" <> wrote in message
Hello Christopher,
Thanks for the nice reply. Yes, like you mentioned, the
stuff was cheap way back then, but prices have increased
quite a bit. I think that the prices may continue to climb
as the stuff becomes more scarce, but it's only speculation
on my part. Look at what happened to R12. You used to be
able to buy the stuff right off of the shelf at the
department store's automotive section. Now the stuff, if
you can locate it, is selling for something like +ACQ-800 a
tank. About 5 or 10 years ago, I think it was selling for
around +ACQ-500 for a 30 lb tank. So you see, I need to
come to the newsgroups to have these types of discussions.
Ebay is not so user friendly when it comes to group
discussions. Well, I no longer have receipts for the stuff.
I did loose some things when my basement flooded. The tank,
still in the box with the seal, has been kept clean and dry.
I took a picture with my cell phone and tried to post it,
but I don't know whether the picture will make it through
the internet.
Any comments from anyone in regards to the future of the
prices / availability?